The Moon.
The Moon is a large natural object that orbits around the planet, earth.
It is said that, billion years ago, the Earth collided with another planet, theia. The Earth became larger then, and with big rocks floating around, it formed our moon.
Why our Moon fancinated me?
- The Moon light; The Moon light is our only light source during the night, and it gives us this quiet yet relaxing sense
- Wishes: It is a theory that i believe that, during full moon, it is said to be a good luck, if you happened to witness it, make a wish as it may come true.
- Their 8 phases: They have different appearance as they orbit around the earth, known as 8 phases, and about it made me facinated,
The 9 phases of the Moon
- 🌑 New Moon
- 🌒 Waxing cres-cent
- 🌓 First quarter
- 🌔 Waxing gibbous
- 🌕 Full moon
- 🌖 Waning Gib-bous
- 🌗 Third Quarter
- 🌘 Waning Cresent
My 2 Favorite phases out of all 8 phases.
Full moon as it is the phase on my birthday
Waning cresant as it is a birthday of my Cat